Founded in 2006 through the partnership of MV Holding, Muzaffer Akpınar, and Ruhi Doğusoy, our company made its first investment in 2008 in the Yuntdağ Wind Power Plant (WPP) in the Bergama, İzmir. In 2024, the plant was converted into a hybrid power plant with an addition of 9 MW Solar Power Plant (SPP) investment. Yuntdağ WPP, with an installed capacity of 69 MWm / 60 MWe, generates 214,000,000 kWh of electricity annually.
The second investment was made in 2009 in the Kores Kocadağ WPP, located in the Urla, Izmir. Kores Kocadağ WPP, with an installed capacity of 25 MWm / 25 MWe, generates 87,500,000 kWh of electricity annually.
The third investment was made in 2014 in the Geres WPP in the Kırkağaç, Manisa. Geres WPP, with an installed capacity of 30 MWm / 30MWe, generates 150,000,000 kWh of electricity annually.
The fourth investment was made in 2017 in the Bergres WPP in the Bergama, Izmir. Bergres WPP, with an installed capacity of 69,95 MWm / 69,95 MWe, generates 245,000,000 kWh of electricity annually.
The fifth investment was made in 2024 in the Işıklar WPP in the Gediz, Kütahya. Işıklar WPP, with an installed capacity of 50,8 MWm / 50 MWe, generates 200,000,000 kWh of electricity annually.
Dost Enerji, follows an environmentally sensitive strategy in all of its projects, brings its developed projects to life with its expert team and high-quality standards. With a total annual electricity production of 896,500,000 kWh from all renewable energy plants, it makes significant contributions to Turkey’s electricity supply security and renewable energy production.