• Welcome to Dost Enerji…

Hello! We are Dost Enerji…

As Dost Enerji, we understand the importance of utilizing renewable energy sources to secure our future, and we are developing our investments in this direction to work for a cleaner environment and a sustainable future.

Founded in 2006, our company has a total installed capacity of 244,75 MW, consisting of 4 wind power plants (WPP) and 1 hybrid plant (WPP+SPP). With our environmentally friendly investments, aiming to contribute to nature and protect ecological balance with a reliable, sustainable, and transparent management approach.

244,75 MWm / 234 MWe

Installed Capacity
(Mechanical / Electrical)

896.500.000 kWh

Annual Electricity Production

470.000 tonnes

Annual CO₂e Reduction